If you are a presenter, please follow the instructions given below. If you have any questions, please either:

  • Ask on the #troubleshooting channel on the SPLASH Discord or
  • reach out to the AV team at sigplan-av+splash24@googlegroups.com.

In-Person Presenters

If you plan to present in person please make sure of the following things:

  • The preferred way to present is for presenters to bring their laptops and have slides available offline.
  • Please make sure your device supports HDMI output or that you have the appropriate adapter.
  • Please check that your device works before your session starts so that we do not have any last-moment hiccups.
  • By default, we assume (and strongly encourage) an in-person talk presentation. If the talk is to be delivered virtually please contact the organizing chairs and video chair as soon as possible.

Talk length

You should plan the length of your talk carefully, as time is precious and the schedule will be strictly enforced. To find out the length of your talk, find it in the program and subtract at least 5 minutes from the time shown there, to allow for questions and switching between speakers.

Specifically, for the main OOPSLA program talk slots are 20 minutes and speakers should aim to give a 15-minute talk; the remaining time is for set-up (around 1 minute) and questions (around 3-4 minutes).

Giving the talk

Please arrive at your session meeting room at least 10 minutes before the start of your session. Take time to familiarize yourself with the room setup, meet your session chair, and address any issues with the student volunteers.

Remote Presenters

If you are a remote presenter, please read the following instructions as they are crucial for making sure your presentation goes as smoothly as possible!

Setting up Discord

1) Make sure you have a Discord account that is older than 5 minutes, with a verified email address (https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360033931551-Getting-Started) 2) Join the SPLASH 2024 Discord server (Check your email for the invite link) - After joining the server, you should be prompted with a Customisation Question prompt. Please do the following:

Select the Presenter role.

Go to Channels and Roles.

Follow the Pre-Talk Sessions category.

Discord is now setup! If you have any technical issues or questions, please make sure to ask any questions in the #troubleshooting-chat channel.


On the day of your presentation, our remote volunteers will be performing several tests to make sure your presentation goes as smoothly as possible. Please join the Pre-Talk VC channel up until 30 minutes before your scheduled presentation. There will be volunteers waiting in this channel 50 minutes before the next scheduled remote presentation. This means that if your talk is at 9 AM (Pasadena time), there will be a volunteer in the channel from 8:10 AM.

If you are only joining Discord for the Q&A portion of your talk (pre-recorded talks fall under this category), please join the Discord voice channel within the same timeline for the same tests.

Your Talk

Please join the Waiting Queue voice channel 30 minutes before your presentation. A volunteer will promptly let you know 5 minutes before it is your time to present through the Waiting Queue chat:

When it is your time to present, the volunteer will move you to another voice channel. Here, you should be able to hear the session chair through Discord, from which you should follow their instructions for when to start presenting. When you are moved to this LIVE voice channel, please make sure to turn on your camera and screen-share.

You can follow the livestream of current talks on the ACMSIGPLAN YouTube channel: https://youtube.com/@acmsigplan.

Pre-recorded Talk

You have the option to upload a pre-recorded video, which will be played by the AV team during the conference. You will still be moved to the voice channel during your scheduled talk time. While your recording is playing, you can conduct the Q&A segment by following your session chair’s instructions.

Note: Details on how to upload the recording will be provided later.

Recording Quality

To ensure a successful presentation, it is crucial that your recording is of high quality, especially the audio. The AV team cannot fix poor-quality recordings, so it is essential to record it properly.

We encourage you to check the quality of your recording before uploading it, ensuring that it is clear and understandable. Here some tips to avoid problem during recording:

  1. Avoid the use of a laptop’s built-in microphone for recording.
  2. Avoid reverberant spaces, record in an environment that does not amplify echoes or reverb to keep the audio clear.
  3. Keep the microphone at an appropriate distance from your mouth during recording to achieve a crisp and natural sound.

You can find more tips in this blog post from Laurie Tratt.


If at any point of the process there are technical issues (whether it is while presenting or during the pre-sessions) please join the Troubleshooting VC channel under the Pre-Talk Sessions category. A volunteer will be there to assist you. If the volunteer assesses that the problem will take a considerable amount of time to solve, we will communicate with the session chair to move your talk to the next time-slot.

The communication between Speakers and Session Chairs will take place in the Troubleshooting VC channel via the volunteers when technical difficulties occur.


  • Please join the Discord voice channel titled Pre-Talk VC within 50 minutes before your talk.
  • 30 minutes before your talk, join the Waiting Queue voice channel and wait for your time-slot to commence. A volunteer will let you know 5 minutes before it is your time to present.
  • If there are any troubleshooting issues, join the Troubleshooting VC channel and a volunteer will assist you.