The SPLASH Posters track provides an excellent forum for authors to present their recent or ongoing projects in an interactive setting, and receive feedback from the community. We invite submissions covering any aspect of programming, systems, languages and applications. The goal of the poster session is to encourage and facilitate small groups of individuals interested in a technical area to gather and interact. It is held early in the conference, to promote continued discussion among interested parties.

Poster Presentation Logistics

More information will be available soon.

Call for Posters

The SPLASH Posters track provides an excellent forum for authors to present their recent or ongoing projects in an interactive setting, and receive feedback from the community. We invite submissions covering any aspect of programming, systems, languages and applications. The goal of the poster session is to encourage and facilitate small groups of individuals interested in a technical area to gather and interact. It is held early in the conference, to promote continued discussion among interested parties.

Independent Posters

We invite submissions of posters that are within the scope of any of the SPLASH tracks and affiliated conferences / workshops and:

  • showcase ongoing work that has not yet reached sufficient maturity for publication in a conference or journal
  • highlight research challenges that existing work has failed to address
  • outline planned research activities (e.g., M.Sc. or Ph.D. projects) and illustrate their relevance and potential impact, or
  • describe new Free / Open Source Software tools or systems that
    • are aimed at practitioners, or
    • are aimed at researchers and contribute to research infrastructure, i.e., enable or simplify research activities

The extended abstracts of accepted independent posters will be included in the SPLASH Companion proceedings and become available in the ACM Digital Library.


Posters will be evaluated both on their contributions and on how effectively they communicate those contributions. All poster proposals should include ONE of the following, in PDF format:

  • A two-page extended abstract in the ACM acmart Master Article Template, sigplan subformat, with 10pt font, or, alternatively
  • The poster itself. Posters should consist of one or more landscape slides. Note that posters will not be included in the SPLASH Companion Proceedings, only extended abstracts.

Posters should be submitted here by August 25.

Poster authors are required to attend the scheduled interactive poster session, staying with their poster so that they can discuss their work with conference attendees. We will provide more details on the exact date and time of the poster sessions closer to the conference.


Demos offer an effective platform for explaining an idea in action. They are an excellent way to share technical aspects of designs, tools or systems that are difficult to capture with a “static” poster. At the same time, they naturally increase the level of interaction between presenters and attendees of the poster sessions and promote lively discussions.

We strongly encourage authors of accepted posters to prepare a demo of their work if applicable. Authors that intend to supplement their poster with a demo should indicate that when submitting their poster.

Posters for Works Accepted at OOPSLA and Onward!

We encourage authors of papers and essays accepted at OOPSLA and Onward! to present a poster that summarizes their work. Such posters will not be subject to further review and they will have no separate extended abstract in the SPLASH Companion proceeding.

We do require posters for accepted OOPSLA papers (and any accompanying demos) to be registered in a separate registration form by September 22 so that we can order the necessary supplies.

Student Submissions and Related Events

The SPLASH Posters track is a venue for researchers at any level of experience, but we explicitly welcome students to submit their in-progress work. If you are a student and considering submitting a poster, we recommend you to also explore the Doctoral Symposium and the ACM Student Research Competition. These related events are additional opportunities for feedback and suggestions on your dissertation work and may provide you with contacts for further interaction, as well as experience in communicating with other professionals.