Aviral Shrivastava

Registered user since Thu 15 Nov 2018

Name:Aviral Shrivastava

Aviral Shrivastava is a full Professor in the School of Computing and AI (SCAI) at the Arizona State University, where he established and heads the Make Programming Simple Lab (https://labs.engineering.asu.edu/mps-lab/). He completed his Ph.D. and MS in Information and Computer Science and from the University of California, Irvine, and Bachelors in Computer Science and Engineering from IIT Delhi.

Research: Prof. Shrivastava’s research is on making programming simple for embedded and cyber-physical systems. Prof. Shrivastava and his students have proposed novel computer architectures and compiler transformations for hardware error-tolerant computing, multicore computing, accelerated computing. They have also proposed languages, code generation and runtime for expressing and efficiently executing time-sensitive distributed intelligent applications.

Prof. Shrivastava has co-authored 1 book, and has contributed chapters in 4 books. He has more than 120 articles and conference papers in top embedded system journals and conferences, like DAC, ESWEEK, ACM TECS, and ACM TCPS. His papers have received several awards, including nomination for best paper at DAC 2017, best student paper award at VLSI 2016, second highest ranked paper at LCTES 2010, and best paper candidate ASPDAC 2008. He published at least one paper every year at DAC (the top conference in the field) in the last decade (2011 to 2019). Overall, his works have received more than 3000 citations, growing at the rate of over 200 citations every year. His i50-index is 14, i10-index is 84, and h-index is 31 (reference Google Scholar). His inventions have been granted 5 patents, and 5 more applications are pending. Prof. Shrivastava is the recipient of the prestigious 2010 NSF CAREER award. His student’s theses were awarded CIDSE outstanding Ph.D. thesis award in 2021 and 2017 and outstanding Master’s thesis awards in 2011 and 2014. Prof. Shrivastava’s research efforts have been supported by federal agencies (NSF, DOE, NIST), state funding agencies (SFAZ), as well as industry.

Prof. Shrivastava has mentored 2 postdocs, 9 Ph.D. students, and over 20 Masters students. His students are very well placed, including a full Professor at UNIST, South Korea, Assistant Professor at SJSU, ARM research lab, Google, Synopsys, Apple (x2), Qualcomm, Cadence etc.) Prof. Shrivastava is currently supervising 3 Ph.D., and 5 Masters students. Prof. Shrivastava teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses on computer organization, computer architecture, and embedded systems, and has student evaluations averaging over 4/5. He has redesigned the embedded systems course around projects in which students build an autonomously driving car, culminating in an autonomous car race! (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDfyzk7HFqeXCb5BK02SemQ)

Prof. Shrivastava is currently the General Chair of Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK) – the top event in the field of Embedded Systems, comprising of several conferences, symposia and workshops. He also serves in the Steering committee of the Languages Compilers, Theory and tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES). Currently, he is the deputy Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Embedded Systems Letters (IEEE ESL), and associate editor for ACM Transactions of Cyber-Physical Systems (ACM TCPS), ACM Transactions Embedded Computing Systems (ACM TECS), and the IEEE Transactions on Computer Aided Design (IEEE TCAD). Previously he has served as the program chair of CODES+ISSS 2017 and 2018, LCTES 2019, and chair of the Design and Applications track of RTSS 2020.

Country:United States
Affiliation:Arizona State University
Research interests:Compilers, Resilient Computing, Accelerated Computing, Scratchpad memories, Cyber-Physical Systems


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