This program is tentative and subject to change.

Tue 22 Oct 2024 09:00 - 10:00 at San Gabriel - Automatising Program Analysis Chair(s): Manuel Hermenegildo

The field of static analysis has made enormous progress over the past few decades. Static analysis tools are now routinely used to improve software quality in industry. Static analysis frameworks like CodeQL have helped discover hundreds of security vulnerabilities and seek to democratize the technology by enabling developers to write custom queries. Despite these advances, static analysis faces challenges that greatly limit its effectiveness and accessibility in practice. In this talk, I will show how ideas from machine learning can help alleviate them, most notably in inferring specifications. I will cover a wide range of approaches that trace the arc of the field of machine learning itself, starting from probabilistic graphical models like Markov Logic Networks and Bayesian Networks, to deep learning models like Graph Neural Networks and Transformers, and ultimately modern approaches involving Large Language Models and compound AI systems including neurosymbolic and agent frameworks.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Tue 22 Oct

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09:00 - 10:30
Automatising Program AnalysisSAS at San Gabriel
Chair(s): Manuel Hermenegildo Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and IMDEA Software Institute
What's Still Missing in Static Analysis? A Decade-Long Journey.
Mayur Naik University of Pennsylvania
Synthesizing Abstract Transformers for Reduced-Product Domains
Pankaj Kumar Kalita IIT Kanpur, Thomas Reps University of Wisconsin-Madison, Subhajit Roy IIT Kanpur