SPLASH 2024 (series) / Felienne Hermans

Registered user since Wed 17 Feb 2016
Name:Felienne Hermans
Felienne is a professor of Computer Science Education at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She also works as a high-school CS teacher one day a week at Lyceum Kralingen in the Codasium program.
Felienne is the creator of the Hedy programming language, a gradual and multi-lingual programming language designed for teaching.
She is the author of “The Programmer’s Brain”, a book that helps programmers understand how their brain works and how to use it more effectively. In 2021, Felienne was awarded the Dutch Prize for ICT research. She also has a biweekly tech column on BNR, a Dutch radio station.
Felienne blogs at felienne.com
Affiliation:Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Personal website: http://www.felienne.com
GitHub: https://github.com/felienne
- Roles of Variables in the Hedy programming language
- SPLASH-E Co-Chair in Organizing Committee
- An Observational Study of Undergraduate Teaching Assistants' use of Subgoal Learning Integrated in an Introductory Programming Course
- Gender Differences in Story, Game and Visual Adventures in Hedy
- SPLASH-E Co-Chair in Program Commitee within the SPLASH-E-track
- SPLASH-E Co-Chair in Steering Committee
- A Word About Programming: Applying a Natural Language Vocabulary Acquisition Model to Programming Education
- A Case for Feminism in Programming Language Design
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