Hironori Kasahara

Registered user since Mon 4 Jul 2016

Name:Hironori Kasahara

Hironori Kasahara is a Computer Science and Engineering professor and ex-Senior Executive Vice President at Waseda University.

He was a president in 2018, a member of the Executive Committee from 2017 through 2019, and a member of the Board of Governors from 2009 through 2014 at IEEE Computer Society. He is an IEEE Life Fellow, an IPSJ Fellow, a Golden Core Member of the IEEE Computer Society, a professional member of the IEEE Eta Kappa Nu, and a member of the Engineering Academy of Japan and the Science Council of Japan. He received a PhD in 1985 from Waseda University, joined its faculty in 1986, and has been a professor of computer science since 1997 and a director of the Advanced Multicore Research Institute since 2004. He was a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign’s Center for Supercomputing R&D.

He has served as a chair or member of 300 society and government committees, including a member of the CS Board of Governors and Executive Committee; chair of CS Planning Committee, Constitution & Bylaws Committee, Multicore STC, and CS Japan chapter; associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Computers; PC chair on Software of the 1996 ENIAC 50th Anniversary International Conference on Supercomputing; general chair of LCPC; PC member of SC, PACT, and ASPLOS; board member of IEEE Tokyo section; and member of the Earth Simulator and K supercomputer committees; Japan Award, Kyoto Award, Okawa Award selection committees. Kasahara received the Spirit of IEEE Computer Society Award, CS Golden Core Member Award, IFAC World Congress Young Author Prize, IPSJ Contribution Award, IPSJ Sakai Special Research Award, SCAT President Grand Award, and the Japanese Minister’s Science and Technology Prize.

He led Japanese national projects on parallelizing compilers and embedded multicore processors and has presented 234 reviewed papers, 243 invited talks, and 70 patents. His research has appeared in 709 newspaper and web articles. Currently, he is also working as the Chairperson of the JST Committee of Support for Pioneering Research Initiated by the Next Generation for Ph.D. students to realize a Sustainable Open Innovation Ecosystem.

Affiliation:Waseda University, Japan
Research interests:Parallelizing Compiler, Multicore, Power Reduction, Locality Optimization, Vector Accelerator


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