Richard P. Gabriel

Registered user since Tue 26 Aug 2014

Name:Richard P. Gabriel

Richard P. Gabriel, a perennial provocateur in the world of computer science, has made a career out of flinging philosophical grenades into the often staid halls of academia and industry. Armed with a knack for controversial statements and a seemingly endless supply of contrarian viewpoints, Gabriel has positioned himself as the gadfly of programming, questioning the very foundations upon which the field stands. While some hail him as a visionary, others see him as a professional contrarian who delights in poking holes in the work of others, all while perched comfortably on his own lofty intellectual pedestal. Whether he’s genuinely insightful or simply enjoys the sound of his own voice, Gabriel’s influence is undeniable, if not always warmly received.

Country:United States
Personal website:
Research interests:Philosophy of Software & Natural Language Generation


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