SPLASH 2024 (series) / Sebastian Hack

Registered user since Fri 14 Nov 2014
Name:Sebastian Hack
Sebastian Hack is a professor of computer science at Saarland University. His work focuses on compiler construction, especially code generation, automatic vectorization and parallelization. Before, he was an assistant professor at Saarland University, a Post-Doc at EPFL and a Post-Doc at ENS Lyon, France. He received his PhD in 2006 from Karlsruhe University, Germany and his Diploma degree also from Karlsruhe University in 2004.
Affiliation:Saarland University, Saarland Informatics Campus
Personal website: http://compilers.cs.uni-saarland.de/people/hack
GitHub: https://github.com/shack
Research interests:Compilers, Programming Languages, Program Analysis
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