Xavier Rival

Registered user since Wed 16 Nov 2016

Name:Xavier Rival

Xavier Rival is a Senior Research Scientist (Directeur de Recherche) at INRIA Paris. His research interest focus on abstract interpretation and software verification by static analysis. He is mainly working on symbolic abstractions (trace partitionning abstraction, shape analysis, separation logic and memory abstract domains). He has been involved in the design, implementation and transfer of the Astrée analyser, a static analyser able to verify safety properties on industrial size safety critical softwares. He was the PI of the MemCAD ERC Starting Grant, aiming at the design of a library of abstract domains to describe memory states containing a wide range of complex data structures. He is also the Head of the ANTIQUE INRIA group, located at ENS Paris and serves as Department Chair at the CS Department of ENS Paris.

Affiliation:Inria; ENS; CNRS; PSL University
Research interests:Abstract interpretation, static analysis, shape analysis


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