This program is tentative and subject to change.

Mon 21 Oct 2024 14:30 - 15:00 at IBR East - Analysis and Optimization Chair(s): Nico Jansen

Orthogonal persistence implemented with non-volatile memory (NVM) allows the programmers to easily create persistent containers, which are container data structure preserved even after the process terminations due to a system crash. However, all such implementations use heavy-wait write barriers.

We propose techniques to reduce the overheads arising from these write barriers. Our proposed techniques include two approaches: (i) light-weight writer barriers: we avoid the expensive \MFENCE instructions in the hot path of the write barrier, and instead, we let the thread attempting to make an object persistent, wait till this attempt is visible to all the threads by handshaking with them. (ii) eliding redundant overheads: we use a static analysis supported scheme to elide the overheads in the first approach, based on an intuition that the overheads are necessary only when an object being made persistent is accessible by other threads. We implemented each of these approaches in RBP (replication based persistency) implemented in the HotSpot VM of OpenJDK. Our evaluation results showed that these approaches lead to significant gains.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Mon 21 Oct

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14:00 - 15:30
Analysis and OptimizationSLE at IBR East
Chair(s): Nico Jansen Software Engineering, RWTH Aachen University
Trellis: A Domain-Specific Language for Hidden Markov Models with Sparse Transitions
Lars Hummelgren KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Viktor Palmkvist KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Linnea Stjerna KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Xuechun Xu KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Joakim Jalden KTH Royal Institute of Technology, David Broman KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Reducing Write Barrier Overheads for Orthogonal Persistence
Yilin Zhang University of Tokyo, Omkar Dilip Dhawal Indian Institute of Technology Madras, V Krishna Nandivada IIT Madras, Shigeru Chiba University of Tokyo, Tomoharu Ugawa University of Tokyo
Bugfox: A Trace-based Analyzer for Localizing the Cause of Software Regression in JavaScript
Yuefeng Hu The University of Tokyo, Hiromu Ishibe The University of Tokyo, Feng Dai The University of Tokyo, Tetsuro Yamazaki University of Tokyo, Shigeru Chiba University of Tokyo
DOI Pre-print
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