This program is tentative and subject to change.

Thu 24 Oct 2024 16:30 - 16:55 at Pacific - Onward! Papers

Mixed integer linear programming is a powerful and widely used approach to solving optimization problems, but its expressiveness is limited. In this paper we introduce the optimization-aided language Scimitar, which encodes optimization problems using an expressive functional language, with a compiler that targets a mixed integer linear program solver. Scimitar provides easy access to encoding techniques that normally require expert knowledge, enabling solve-time conditional constraints, inlining, loop unrolling and many other high-level language constructs. We give operational semantics for this language and constraint encodings of various features. To demonstrate Scimitar, we present a number of examples and benchmarks including classic optimization domains and more complex problems. Our results indicate that Scimitar’s use of a dedicated MILP solver is effective for expressively modeling optimization problems embedded within functional programs.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Thu 24 Oct

Displayed time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) change

16:00 - 17:40
Onward! PapersOnward! Papers at Pacific
Abstract Debuggers: Exploring Program Behaviors Using Static Analysis Results
Onward! Papers
Karoliine Holter University of Tartu, Estonia, Juhan Oskar Hennoste University of Tartu, Patrick Lam University of Waterloo, Simmo Saan University of Tartu, Estonia, Vesal Vojdani University of Tartu
Scimitar: Functional Programs as Optimization Problems
Onward! Papers
Nate Bragg Tufts University, Jeffrey S. Foster Tufts University, Philip Zucker Draper
Software Engineering Methods For AI-Driven Deductive Legal Reasoning
Onward! Papers
Rohan Padhye Carnegie Mellon University