Sun 20 Oct 2024 15:15 - 15:30 at Pacific C - Session 2 - Language Implementation

The performance of an application/runtime is usually thought of as a continuous function where, the lower the amount of memory/time used on a given workload, then the better the compiler/runtime is. However, in practice, good performance for an application is really more of a binary function – either the application is fast enough or it is not. Either the application responds in under, say $100$ms, fast enough for a user to barely notice, or it takes a noticeable amount of time, leaving the user waiting and eventually abandoning the task. Thus, performance really means how often the application is fast enough to be usable and leading industrial developers to focus on the $95$th and $99$th percentile latencies as heavily, or moreso, than average response time.

Unfortunately, tracking and optimizing for these high percentile latencies is difficult and often requires a deep understanding of the application, runtime, GC, and OS interactions. This is further complicated by the fact that tail performance is often only seen occasionally, and is specific to a certain workload or input, making these issues uniquely painful to handle. Our vision is to create a language and runtime that is designed to be $\Omega(c)$ in its performance – that is, it is designed to have an effectively constant time to execute all operations, there is a constant fixed memory overhead for the application footprint, and the garbage-collector performs a constant amount of work per allocation + a (small) bounded pause for all collection/release operations.

Sun 20 Oct

Displayed time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) change

14:00 - 15:30
Session 2 - Language ImplementationVMIL at Pacific C
Research paper
Smarter Contract Upgrades with Orthogonal Persistence
Luc Bläser DFINITY Foundation, Claudio Russo Dfinity, Gabor Greif DFINITY, Ryan Vandersmith DFINITY Foundation, Jason Ibrahim DFINITY Foundation
Research paper
Synthesizing Efficient Super-Instruction Sets for Ethereum Virtual Machine
Xiaowen Hu The University of Sydney, David Zhao RelationalAI, Bernhard Scholz University of Sydney
DOI Pre-print File Attached
The Fuzion Intermediate Representation
Fridtjof Siebert Tokiwa Software GmbH, Michael Lill Tokiwa Software GmbH
Pre-print Media Attached
An Effectively Ω(c) Language and Runtime
Mark Marron University of Kentucky