0 results

People (16 results)

Robert Schenck

… …

Dimi Racordon

Dimi Racordon

… …

Işıl Dillig

Işıl Dillig

… …

Events (87 results)

tl;dr: Chill, y’all – AI will not devour SE

Onward! Essays When: Thu 24 Oct 2024 10:40 - 11:20 People: Eunsuk Kang, Mary Shaw

… …

A Step-Function Abstract Domain for Granular Floating-Point Error Analysis

NSAD 2024 When: Tue 22 Oct 2024 14:00 - 14:30 People: Anthony Dario, Samuel D. Pollard

… The pitfalls of numerical computations using floating-point numbers are well known. Existing static techniques for floating-point error analysis provide a single upper bound across all potential values for a floating-point variable. We …

From FP to OOP and Back, Consistently

UNSOUND 2024 When: Sun 20 Oct 2024 16:00 - 16:30 People: David Binder

… Finding a combination of types and static checks that guarantees some desired property such as type soundness (programms don’t get stuck) or consistency (not all types are inhabitated) is not enough. These checks should also be stable …

Publishable Network Contracts in Scrapscript

UNSOUND 2024 When: Sun 20 Oct 2024 11:30 - 12:00 People: Taylor Troesh

… -typed functional language (like Haskell, Elm, etc.). - All expressions … programs, any expression can be published into “the scrapyard”. - All scrapyard entries are cryptographically signed; all signatures are public. - A simple …

Attending Information (7 results)


… , and Applications: Software for Humanity. SPLASH embraces all aspects of software …, to under-represented minorities and to people from all origins, everyone … attendance costs for all attendees. We also help ensure open-access publishing …

Chair's Welcome

… forum for discussing all aspects of software development. This year’s program … 2024, we are committed to fostering inclusivity and accessibility for all … that spirit across all its tracks and events.

I would like to express my deepest …

Code of conduct

… for registration and all conference activities. Special circumstances may …/policy-against-discrimination-and-harassment). We expect all the participants … or opportunity for participation at the conference and all associated events …

Tracks (27 results)

SAS 2024 Artifacts

… machine image: The VM image must be bootable and contain all the necessary … the experiments, along with all dependencies. Please ensure that the zipped container image … (and then, the abstract can be empty.

All artifacts will follow a double-blind process …

SAS 2024

… fundamental contributions to static analysis. All young researchers (students and post-doc …, and application advances in the area.

Important Dates (All deadlines … of refereed papers. Contributions are welcomed on all aspects of program analysis …


… representations and their means of interaction for end-users of all ages * Design …. It is formal to ensure all the important points are covered.

For more information … the paper. Reviewers are under no obligation to read all or even a substantial …

General (14 results)

SAS 2024 Homepage

… Static Analysis Symposium 2024 Welcome to the website of the Static Analysis Symposium 2024 conference. We are working hard to fill the website with all related information. Please check back soon! d1d59341-a4ac-4456-8919-06775a117204 …

GPCE 2024 Homepage

… GPCE 2024 Welcome to the website of the GPCE 2024 conference. We are working hard to fill the website with all related information. Please check back soon! 44a0e8a2-75e4-4f88-ab8b-a0d4f3adee91 …

UNSOUND 2024 Homepage

… Unsound 2024 Welcome to the website of the Unsound 2024 conference. We are working hard to fill the website with all related information. Please check back soon! 6c53ea48-f5ad-42d6-a5a9-1e6594230737 …