This program is tentative and subject to change.

Tue 22 Oct 2024 12:00 - 12:30 at IBR West - Session 2 on Domain-Specific Languages Chair(s): Oscar Nierstrasz

We propose DDLoader, a system that embeds information about data partitioning and data distribution in distributed file systems using a metaprogramming framework. We demonstrate that this technique has practical benefits for building applications that interact with distributed file system applications. By using metaprogramming, we bring the traditional benefits of staging, such as partial evaluation to the domain of distributed file system access. Furthermore, this approach also fuses the data access code with the computation code, allowing end-to-end optimization. We test our framework on a real-world use case and show that this approach allows users to generate code that performs faster than traditional data loading by up to 12.56x on a single thread and even more when parallelized.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Tue 22 Oct

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11:00 - 12:30
Session 2 on Domain-Specific LanguagesGPCE at IBR West
Chair(s): Oscar Nierstrasz
Yin-Yang: Concealing the Deep Embedding of DSLs (Most Influential Paper)
Vojin Jovanovic Oracle Labs, Amir Shaikhha University of Edinburgh, Sandro Stucki Amazon, Vladimir Nikolaev , Christoph E. Koch EPFL, Martin Odersky EPFL
Applying Self-Extension Mechanism to DSLs for Establishing Model Libraries
Arkadii Gerasimov RWTH Aachen University, Nico Jansen Software Engineering, RWTH Aachen University, Judith Michael RWTH Aachen University, Bernhard Rumpe RWTH Aachen University
Specializing Data Access in a Distributed File System (Generative Pearl)
Pratyush Das Purdue University, Anxhelo Xhebraj Purdue University, Tiark Rompf Purdue University