This program is tentative and subject to change.

Tue 22 Oct 2024 11:30 - 12:00 at San Gabriel - System level analysis

This paper describes our experience deploying automated verification techniques for proving the correctness of value tracking components of the eBPF verifier in the Linux Kernel over the last four years. The eBPF verifier uses abstract interpretation with multiple abstract domains for value tracking. The eBPF verifier uses non-standard approaches for refining the results from multiple abstract domains, which necessitated us to design new techniques to show their correctness. During this process, we also discovered that some of the abstract operators are unsound in isolation. The unsoundness of these operators are eventually corrected by a shared refinement operator. The presence of intermediate “latent” unsound abstract operators makes the task of verification harder. We describe our patches to the Linux kernel, which have been upstreamed, that fix these latent errors and make the abstract operators correct in isolation, which enables faster automated verification.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Tue 22 Oct

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11:00 - 12:30
System level analysisSAS at San Gabriel
Lift-offline: Instruction Lifter Generators
Nicholas Coughlin Defence Science and Technology Group, Australia, Alistair Michael , Kait Lam
Fixing Latent Unsound Abstract Operators in the eBPF Verifier of the Linux Kernel (NEAT paper)
Verifying components of Arm® Confidential Computing Architecture with ESBMC (NEAT paper)
Tong Wu , Shale Xiong ARM, Edoardo Manino , Gareth Stockwell ARM, Lucas C. Cordeiro University of Manchester, UK and Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil