This program is tentative and subject to change.

Mon 21 Oct 2024 12:00 - 12:30 at San Gabriel - Verification cost and quantum analysis

In principle, the design and implementation of quantum programming languages are the same essential tasks as for conventional (classical) programming languages. High-level programming constructs and compilation tools are structurally similar in both cases. The difference is mainly in the hardware machine executing the final code, which in the case of quantum programming languages is a quantum processor, i.e. a physical object obeying the laws of quantum mechanics. Therefore, special technical solutions are required to comply with such laws. In this paper, we show how static analysis can guarantee the correct implementation of quantum programs by introducing two data-flow analyses for detecting some ‘wrong‘ uses of quantum variables. A compiler including such analyses would allow for a higher level of abstraction in the quantum language, relieving the programmer of low-level tasks such as the safe removal of temporary variables.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Mon 21 Oct

Displayed time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) change

11:00 - 12:30
Verification cost and quantum analysisSAS at San Gabriel
Verification of programs with ADTs using Shallow Horn Clauses
Théo Losekoot , Thomas Genet IRISA, Univ Rennes, Thomas P. Jensen INRIA Rennes
An Order Theory Framework of Recurrence Equations for Static Cost Analysis – Dynamic Inference of Non-Linear Inequality Invariants
Louis Rustenholz Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) and IMDEA Software Institute, Pedro López-García IMDEA Software Institute, José Morales IMDEA Software Institute, Manuel Hermenegildo Technical University of Madrid (UPM) and IMDEA Software Institute
Link to publication Pre-print
Static Analysis of Quantum Programs
Nicola Assolini Università degli Studi di Verona, Alessandra Di Pierro University of Verona, Italy, Isabella Mastroeni University of Verona, Italy