This program is tentative and subject to change.

Mon 21 Oct 2024 11:00 - 11:20 at Pacific C - Pre-lunch Session Chair(s): Rajiv Gupta

This paper introduces our ongoing work on the automatic ahead-of-time (AOT) parallelization of Python programs on recent and future hardware systems with massive parallelism and heterogeneity. Our approach is driven by the combination of ML-based type prediction and multi-versioned code generation that guarantees the correctness of our type-specific code optimizations in all cases. While Python is a dynamically-typed language, recent research demonstrated it is highly possible to predict what data types are likely to occur at runtime, by ML-based static prediction and/or runtime type profiling in numerical computation kernels. Given code fragments with predicted data type information, our optimization engine performs automatic parallelization and sophisticated high-level code optimizations for the target system, such as shared/distributed heterogeneous hardware platforms. Our approach introduces novel extensions to the polyhedral compilation to integrate loop and data layout transformations as well as automated selection of CPU vs. GPU code variants. Our preliminary empirical evaluation shows significant performance improvements relative to sequential Python in both single-node and multi-node experiments.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Mon 21 Oct

Displayed time zone: Pacific Time (US & Canada) change

11:00 - 12:30
Pre-lunch SessionVIVEKFEST at Pacific C
Chair(s): Rajiv Gupta University of California at Riverside (UCR)
Research paper
Intrepydd: Toward Performance, Productivity, and Portability for Massive Heterogeneous Parallelism
Jun Shirako Georgia Institute of Technology, Tong Zhou Georgia Institute of Technology, Akihiro Hayashi Georgia Institute of Technology
Research paper
Verification of Concurrent Programs Using Hybrid Concrete-Symbolic Interpretation
Emily Tucker , Louis-Noël Pouchet Colorado State University, USA
A Few Lessons and Problems For Life; Source@Vivek Sarkar
Research paper
Evaluation of Speedup & Energy with Multigrain Parallelizing Compiler
John Pickar , Tohma Kawasumi , Hiroki Mikami Waseda University, Japan, Keiji Kimura Waseda University; Japan, Hironori Kasahara Waseda University, Japan
Research paper
A Formal Model for Portable, Heterogeneous Accelerator Programming
Zachary Sullivan , Samuel D. Pollard Sandia National Laboratories
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