This program is tentative and subject to change.

Mon 21 Oct 2024 12:10 - 12:30 at Pasadena - Pre-lunch Session Chair(s): Rajiv Gupta

Programming on modern computer architectures requires logic to utilize both multi-threaded CPUs and accelerators such as GPUs. This can be fraught with errors relating to transmitting and accessing memory not available to all compute resources. Moreover, once the programmer writes correct code for one system, it is often slow or incorrect when run on a different architecture. A bottom-up approach to solving this problem is reified in the C++ library Kokkos. We approach the problem top-down, distilling and generalizing concepts found therein. We design a small language, called H-IMP—which builds on an earlier model of Kokkos called MiniKokkos—with a type system that includes notions of device memory, accelerators, and safe memory access. We show that a well-typed program is safe, which in this context means that there are no heterogeneous memory errors. Our type system enables us to define a precise notion of a portable program as a program with free variables representing where data is stored and kernels are executed. Finally, we prove a portability theorem for heterogeneous programs: that the program can run safely when instantiated on a specific set of architectures.

This program is tentative and subject to change.

Mon 21 Oct

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11:00 - 12:30
Pre-lunch SessionVIVEKFEST at Pasadena
Chair(s): Rajiv Gupta University of California at Riverside (UCR)
Research paper
Intrepydd: Toward Performance, Productivity, and Portability for Massive Heterogeneous Parallelism
Jun Shirako Georgia Institute of Technology, Tong Zhou Georgia Institute of Technology, Akihiro Hayashi Georgia Institute of Technology
Research paper
Verification of Concurrent Programs Using Hybrid Concrete-Symbolic Interpretation
Emily Tucker , Louis-Noël Pouchet Colorado State University, USA
Nandivada Krishna (IIT Madras)
Research paper
Evaluation of Speedup & Energy with Multigrain Parallelizing Compiler
John Pickar , Tohma Kawasumi , Hiroki Mikami Waseda University, Japan, Keiji Kimura Waseda University; Japan, Hironori Kasahara Waseda University, Japan
Research paper
A Formal Model for Portable, Heterogeneous Accelerator Programming
Zachary Sullivan , Samuel D. Pollard Sandia National Laboratories